Make This Day A Special Day

Make This Day A Special Day

“This is the day the Lord has made. we will Rejoice and be Glad in it. Psalm 118:24

In my book, Resurrecting Your Life it states, “when you are green you grow and when you are ripe you rot.” Are you green and growing with a new project that has you excited about tomorrow? Or are you like too many people, bogged down by the necessities of life, just trying to get through the day?

If you feel frustrated, sick, depressed or have anxiety it is time for you to change. Don’t wait another minute of your precious life. Start right now by getting up and getting started on something you would love to do, but for some reason you haven’t. Don’t wait for anybody’s permission. Just go do it.

To be resurrected you must have faith in yourself, in God and do something you really enjoy. Don’t worry about what it is or how small it seems, just do it and feel the satisfaction of being your true self.

If you haven’t already, read my book, Resurrecting Your Life. Available on-line or in our supplement store. Also available on CD.

Jerry Weber