Joy, Joy, Into Our Hearts♥️

“The joy of the Lord is your strength.” (Neh. 8:10)


The joy of a child. We have seen it in our children - that pure, Godly innocence. They are doing exactly what God designed them to do - live in joy, peace and have a purpose in life- even sometimes that purpose is just to eat and poop and cry when they need something.

As a child they don’t worry. They have no stress. They believe that everything will be taken care for them. Their only purpose is to live with passion, joy and fun. The Bible teaches that we all need to be like children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Do you remember when you possessed the joy of a child? It’s not too late.
We all understand that as adults we do have responsibilities and trials and tribulations, but if we could learn how to trust God and the Universe to take care of us like our children trust us, all of us would be living in more joy. So give a thumbs up to life and living whatever your situation and live it with joy.🙏❤️😎

Yes, the second picture is our son, Michael holding his first grandchild - Amyrah. She is pure joy for all of us.

Jerry Weber